Jan 17, 2008, 05:46 AM // 05:46
Pre-Searing Cadet
lf daily ha guild
I am 15(almost 16) looking for a HA guild for me and a friend to join, my friend is r3 and i have r1, almost r2 hero title, you may be thinking, wow nub, but rank doesn't/shouldn't matter anymore because people can now iway their rank. I have had experience in gvg and have ha'ed with many top players/guilds. i have almost everything warrior,ranger,ele,and assassin unlocked and have been monking a lot more. I am willing to learn if you are willing to teach. I also have TS and vent + a working mic. my ign that i am usually on nowadays is-"omg bbq is the best". I am looking for a new guild because the one i was in disbaned, we tryed to reform, drama happened, and then it split again, and so me and my friend just want to get into more Ha then go back to/into more drama, again my mostly used ign is "omg bbq is the best"